Competitionfilms a-z
D: Lukasz Konopa, CI: Pawel Chorzepa, ED: Paulo Pandolpho
UK 2013, OS, 24‘
IImpressions of isolation make happiness seem a long way off in Las Vegas. The tourist and entertainment capital is the essence of the American Dream. Entertainer Alex allows us a glimpse behind the scenes of the glitter world. He believes strongly in his future in showbiz, and performs in homes for the elderly. Then there’s the police officer who deals with up to 72 eviction orders a day. Despite occasional doubts, both are positive about their lives and the country they live in. “The system that is in place now is the best we can get.” A man who lives in a drain waits patiently for the return of his stray cat – a little piece of happiness.
Lukasz Konopa is a documentary filmmaker based in London. He gained an MA in documentary direction at the National Film and Television School. His work at NFTS won him the award for best documentary and the CILECT documentary prize, and has been shown at festivals worldwide. |