Competitionfilms a-z
Two at the Border (Nacht Grenze Morgen)
D: Tuna Kaptan, Felicitas Sonvilla, CI: Tim Kuhn
ED: Tuna Kaptan, Felicitas Sonvilla, Ulrike Tortora
GER 2013, OwE, 30‘
Whispering in the dark, instructions are given for the flight over the Turkish-
Greek border. Alis and Naser, the two people-smugglers, have no idea if the attempt will be successful. They are from Syria and Palestine, and they too dream of a life in Europe. Their attempts to cross the border failed, a return to their home countries was out of the question. Now they survive by helping others to cross the border. Negotiations with the refugees, the ever-present risk of being caught. Theirs is a friendship for an indefinite period.
Felicitas Sonvilla was born in 1988 in Austria and studied theatre, film and media at the University of Vienna. Since 2010 she’s been studying documentary film direction at the University of Television and Film in Munich. | ||
Tuna Kaptan, born 1985 in Munich, studied theatre and media as well as Romance languages and literature at the University of Bayreuth. He teaches at the Bayreuth Summer University, and has been studying documentary film direction at the University of Television and Film in Munich since 2010. |